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Java Examples

In the following drop down menu you can choose to download a number of great Java programs which were given as homework assignments and project to Pace University CS students. Some of these assignments you may find very useful because they tend to focus on Object Oriented Programming. They also involve concepts such as multi-threading and recursion, both very interesting especially for people involved in some type of research. Fell free to use and modify any program you download. After all, being a programmer involves taking an existing code and modifying it to fit your needs.

Name: Books Assignment 3

Program Description

An application that reads data from a file and stores the results
in an array of classes. It then promts the user to enter information for a new book. Information is stored into an array; placed into a file and displayed.

Name: Books Assignment 6
Program Description

An applet that read in all the data from the file into an array.
This Applet has the following features
1) Applet can display the books one at a time.
2) Search for books using an Accession Number & Display them
3) Add additional books
4) A 'Reset' Botton to clear all fields & Restart Display from book 1
5) Information Buttons "Find Info" and "Add Info" to guide the user.

Name: Books Assignment 2
Program Description

An application that reads data from a file and stores the results in an array of classes

Name: Books Assignment 4
Program Description

Applet that reads data from a file and stores the results in an array of classes. User then can click on a botton to display data.

Name: Books Assignment 5
Program Description

This program is an extension of assignment 4.
An applet that read in all the data from the file into an array.
It display the books one at a time in the applet.
Also has a 'Reset' Botton to clear all fields and to start from
the first book.

Name: Picture Display Applet
Program Description

An applet that displays the image placed on a Canvas.

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